George Koutromanos
Contact information:
- +302103688505
- Department of Primary Education, NKUA, Ippokratous 20, 10680 Athens, Greece
Dr. George I. Koutromanos is an Associate Professor of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education at the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, Section of Mathematics and Informatics, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). In addition, he is the Director of the Laboratory of Informatics in his department as well as the Director of the Master’s Program “Educational Design of Online Education” (Joint Program of the NKUA and the University of the Aegean).
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Education (B.Ed), a master’s degree (M.Sc.) in “Computers in Education” from the NKUA, as well as two doctoral degrees in ICT in Education – one from NKUA and one from King’s College London, University of London. In addition, he has conducted post-doctoral research at the NKUA Department of Primary Education in the area of Digital Games in Primary Education. His postgraduate studies were funded by the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece, the Leventis Foundation, the Japanese Sasakawa Foundation, the European Socrates-Erasmus programme and the Principal of King’s College London, University of London.
Dr. Koutromanos has 18 years of experience in teaching various topics in ICT in Education at universities across Greece (University of Ioannina, University of Patras, former TEI of Western Greece, Harokopio University of Athens, University of the Aegean, Hellenic Open University). In addition, he has participated in a number of national and European research, educational, and training programmes related to the utilization of ICT in Education, including, most recently, REVEALING project (Erasmus+), where he participated as an academic specialist/expert in the design of educational scenarios for Virtual Reality learning environments for Higher Education Institutions and the EU Horizon 2020’s CoHERE project (Critical heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe) [funded by EU/Horizon 2020 under the G.A. No 693289], where he participated in the evaluation of the Serious Game “Eurocraft: Dialogues in Critical heritages through vid-maps”.
Included among his publications are 30 articles in international and Greek journals, 55 articles appearing in the proceedings of international and Greek conferences, 13 articles appearing in volumes of conference abstracts, 22 chapters appearing in international and Greek collective volumes, 3 volumes of training material, 5 volumes of edited Pan-Hellenic conferences, and a number of digital educational scenarios.
In addition to the above, he is co-supervisor of three PhD students and supervisor of many postgraduate students (M.Sc.) on issues related to contemporary trends and applications of ICT in Education (i.e., drones in education, digital educational games, mobile learning, augmented reality, mobile devices in education, etc.). He is a member of several academic organizations related to the use of ICT in Education (i.e., the Hellenic Association of ICT in Education, and the Association of Information Technology for Teacher Education in Great Britain) and served as a reviewer of English-language books and papers presented at international and Greek conferences.
His current research interests include the impact of ICT on education, the use of ICT in education and its effect on teacher education and children’s learning, the development and evaluation of computer-assisted learning materials, flipped learning, the use of augmented reality in education, the use of mobile games in formal and informal learning environments, and the use of wearable technologies and drones in education.